New Communism
Aim 1
Aim 2
Source Material
Greenhouse Effect
The Problem
Harmful Effects
Settled / Consensus Science
400000 years of CO2 and Temperature
CO2 Multiplier is Crucial
CO2 Multiplier Explained
CO2 Multiplier Evidence
CO2 Mulitplier in Climate Models
Climate Models - In Equals Out
CO2 Multiplier Back Test
Climate Models Accuracy
600 million years of CO2 and Temperature
The Hockey Stick
The Real Hockey Stick
A Century of CO2 and Temperature
A Decade of CO2 and Temperature
Lost Ice Caps
Empirical Evidence
Alternative Hypothesis of Sun and Sea
Alternative Hypothesis - 100 year Back Test
Alternative Hypothesis - 400 year Back Test
CO2 Measurement Data Integrity
Temperature Data Integrity
Evidence Summary
Green Jobs Creation
Precautionary Principle
Economic Costs 1
Economic Costs 2
Alternative Energy Sources
Why Tax Me
Layers of Atmosphere
Mad Science
CO2 as a Fertiliser
Wrong Type of Warming
Sulphates Cooling 1
Sulphates Cooling 2
Sea Levels
Summary of Climate Drivers
CO2Positive Feedback
Temperature Drives CO2
Summary of Temperature Feedbacks
Negative Feedback on Temperature
Effect of Clouds on Temperature
Cosmic Ray Effect on Sunspots
Cosmic Ray Effect on Sunspots - Evidence
Your decision